Where are you currently based?
Up until about four days ago – Perth, now we’re based in Brisbane!
How did Supathick form?
Everyone’s been friends for years at this point, we all met through studying music and playing in different projects around Perth. Supathick begun as a way to get everyone in the room to make music together, rather than separately
What’s been happening recently?
Other than driving for 5 days across the country, we put out our second EP which we’re super proud of.
Your latest EP ‘In The Thick Of It’ is out now, what influenced the sound and songwriting?
This second EP is undeniably different than the first. I was getting into pop as a genre a lot more, and really enjoyed experimenting with different sounds, arrangements, and instrumentations that reflected a shinier more produced genre.
How did you go about writing In The Thick Of It?
A few different ways! Love Back and Own My Mind were both fully written instrumentals that I’d fleshed out before I sent them to Blake Rose to work on vocals with. Healin’ was written with Al Whiteman of Great Gable, and I think he added some really beautiful parts to the track. We wrote that one mainly on acoustic guitars. Finally, I wrote Little Bit More in one night after talking to my dad about old rich people.
What does this EP mean to you?
It’s a stepping stone for me. I’m proud of all the EP as a body of work, but Supathick is still finding it’s sound. It still feels like early days!
Where and when did you record/produce/master and who with?
We recorded with the one and only Sam Ford of Tone City Recording In Scarborough, Perth, for two weeks in late 2021.
How did you approach the recording process?
The main difference was programming the drum kit, and incorporating more electronic chatacteristics into the songs like vocoder, autotune and synth bass.
What’s planned for this EP?
We played some beautiful shows in Perth to celebrate this EP release, and they coupled as farewell shows too. I won’t forget them for a long time.
Any upcoming shows?
We’ll be returning to WA in April to support the Cat Empire (dream come true), with more shows on the east coast before then in the works!
How are you anticipating your move to Australia’s East Coast?
We feel very lucky to be here, and we’re ready to work. We already got to watch King Stingray with Dulcie & Jess Day at the Triffid which was amazing and we’re so excited to witness more music.
Who are you listening to at the moment?
I’m always stuck on the 1975. So guilty. I’ve been smashing Pinegrove’s latest album too. Other than that – an absurd number of silly podcasts.
What’s planned for the remainder of 2022 going into 2023?
We’re headed to Byron Bay in December to record some new music! SO excited for that.
Favourite food and place to hangout?
If anyone can tell me where the hell to get a continental roll in Brisbane – I’m all ears!