Tender is the Night was created by Leigh Gardiner, Rohin Best and Ruby Smedley in Perth, WA as a response to COVID19 when many classical musicians and composers lost the majority of their work for the upcoming year in 2020.
As one of Perth’s leading songwriters, Tanaya Harper was invited to perform an intimate Wembley backyard show which was held and recorded on Noongar boodjar land in the first weekend of Spring 2020 post-lockdown. The very special series was in support of and giving opportunities for composers and classical musicians to work again as well as highlighting the songwriting of West Australian original artists to the unique backdrop of a string quartet.
Tanaya has a stunning voice and poignant lyrics, which meant she was the obvious choice to launch TITN. Her lyrics are deep, sincere and relatable, and she delivered beyond expectations.” – Leigh Gardiner, Tender is the Night
Tanaya’s live recording of her favourite tracks Slow Motion Breakup, Don’t Go Outside, The Well, Dissociate, The Dark I Love and Graceless makeup Tender is the Night, VOL1, with Tanaya donating 100% of proceeds from sales of the Bandcamp digital sales to assist Perth Bushfire victims.
“At first I didn’t quite understand what Leigh was asking me to do, or how special this event would be. There weren’t any rehearsals – only a soundcheck, so I was really nervous about that. Then, I vividly remember being completely overwhelmed during the opening song because that was when I finally realised what was happening, that I was playing this once-in-a-lifetime gig with four incredible women.
These live recordings have been ready to release for a little while but I didn’t know when would be the right time. Once I learnt of the scale of destruction from the Wooroloo bushfires I decided I’d like to donate all proceeds from Bandcamp downloads towards assisting those who’ve been affected.” – Tanaya Harper
Tender is the Night, VOL1: Tanaya Harper
1. Slow Motion Breakup
2. Don’t Go Outside
3. The Well
4. Dissociate
5. The Dark I Love
6. Graceless
100% of proceeds from sales going to Perth Bush Fire victims.
Purchase now on Tanaya Harper’s Bandcamp
All songs written by Tanaya Harper
String players:
Madeleine Antoine
Emma Buss
Alix Hamilton
Anna Sarcich
Arrangements by
Slow Motion Breakup: Jared Yapp
The Well & Don’t Go Outside: Tim Newhouse
Dissociate: Erin Gordon
The Dark I Love: Joshua Chan
Graceless: Rebecca Erin Smith
Recorded by Leigh Gardiner & Scott Jennings
Mixed & mastered by Steve Froudist at Awesome Wells Studio
Photography by Chris Symes at Shotweiler Photography