Sir Winston Interview

by the partae

Where are you currently based?

I don’t really have a base at the moment. I was in Australia over summer, then New York for a few months and now I’m in Europe for the next few months. 

What’s been happening recently?

Working on remixes for the tracks on the EP and doing DJ shows in Europe.

Your single ‘Perfectly Numb’ from your debut EP is out now, how did this track come about & what influenced the sound and songwriting for the EP?

It’s from a new EP called ‘Démons à Combattre’. I wrote most of the songs whilst living in Paris last year. There is a French theme to the EP.  I loved living in Paris and I wanted this EP to have a really strong theme. I wanted to explore temptation, forbidden fruit – fighting against inner demons. I walked the streets of Paris at night recording ideas into my phone. When I got to New York I was ready to record. 

The track Perfectly Numb really moves and there’s a lot going on. I love the energy and the structure – it’s really pumping.  It’s a throwback to the music of the 2010’s – bloghaus or “indiesleaze” as it’s recently been coined. I wanted to keep the spirit of this era within the track and I guess the references are pretty obvious. There’s a hedonistic indulgence to Perfectly Numb. It’s about being in a self-induced deluded state – where you’re temporarily stuck, you’re ok– but there’s no turning back – your committed – it can’t be undone. Time to sit back and roll with it – ride out the moment.

Where and when did you record and who with?

I recorded it at Transmitter Studios in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, New York with Abe Seiferth who co-produced and mixed it with me.

How did the music video come about and who did you work with?

To get to the studio in Greenpoint Brooklyn from Manhattan I usually take the subway. I’m constantly blown away by what I see on the subway – it’s a mad zoo at times. Regularly I would see subway dancers jump on and perform – especially W.A.F.F.L.E crew. They are a crew of Litefeet dancers from the Bronx. So I reached out to them about being in the video and they were down. Wiz The Kid, Joel Leitch and Lady Slic all appear in the video pulling awesome dance tricks. We filmed in the middle of the night on the subway when not many people were around. We were down there for hours – it was surreal when we came back up to the street. it was a long but fun experience. 

What’s the meaning of the EP title?

“Démons à Combattre” means “Demons to Fight” in French.

Any plans to play live/tour?

I’m currently doing DJ shows across Europe and I’ll be back in Australia to play a lot over summer.

Favourite food and place to hangout?

There is a hole-in-the- wall taco spot in Greenpoint near the studio called Taqueria Ramirez. We go there most days for lunch when recording. The pastor tacos there are incredible! My fave spot to hang – well I love to go down to the Hudson River in the West Village in New York of an evening and watch the sunset. It’s a real gratitude moment. More and more I like to hang out where I can experience natural beauty. I did a show last week in Bourg Saint Maurice in the French Alps. I went for a hike one day high up the mountain and came across this tiny village called La Côte. It was the most beautiful place, surrounded by mountains, with small stone cottages and a stream running through it. This could be my new favourite place to hang.

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