Retrofile Interview

by the partae

1. Where are you currently based?

A) We are currently based out of Edmonton, Canada.

2. What’s been happening recently?

A) We recently traveled to Toronto for our first showcase set at Canada Music Week/

3. Your latest single ‘In Stereo’ is out now, what influenced the sound and songwriting?

A) “In Stereo” is our attempt at splitting the difference between our New Wave and Pop Rock influences. Luke and I had been looking to write a song that incorporated dance elements with anthemic elements, while acting as a cornerstone in terms of sound to the rest of the music we’ve been recording. The verses pull influence from Dance-Rock icons like Talking Heads, Franz Ferdinand, and LCD Soundsystem; while the chorus leans towards arena Pop-Rock acts like The Killers, Tears for Fears, and The Cars.

4. How did you go about writing “In Stereo”?

A) Some songs come together really easily. From writing, to recording, to mixing, you can have them finished within a week or so. “In Stereo” was not one of those songs. I think it’s because of the dynamics of the arrangement. The verses stay quite small, groovy, dancey; and then the chorus lifts up into something anthemic. Getting that to work from a production standpoint was a hell of a time. I think the work was well worth it though, when I hear “In Stereo ” coming out of the speakers I feel it’s doing something truly unique.

5. Where and when did you record/produce/master and who did you work with? A) “In Stereo” was recorded and produced in our home studio just like all of our other releases. Mastering was handled by our good friend Bryan Lowe over at Joao Carvalho in Toronto.

6. You’re performing at the Canadian Music Week at Bar Cathedral in Toronto on Saturday, June 10th, how did this show come about?

A) You know, the usual; You send an email, and then they send an email, and then you send an email, and then you’re in Toronto playing Canadian Music Week!

7. What can we expect from your performance?

A) A high energy, danceable sort of a show! We’re going to be debuting our new single “Broke Generation” which hits streaming the day

before. We’ve really enjoyed running through that track in practices so I’m looking forward to hitting the stage.

8. Who are you listening to at the moment?

A) Lately, Ghost (Impera), The Killers (Hot Fuss), Talking Heads (Remain in Light) and Alvvays (Blue Rev)

9. What’s planned for the remainder of 2023?

A) Lot’s to look forward to! We will be releasing a single every month leading up to our new EP coming out this fall. We have our “Retrofile Volume 1” vinyl shipping off in July, which is nearly sold out in Pre-Order. Also, we are heading off to the U.K. to play a handful of shows in September!

10. Favourite food and place to hangout?

A) We love grabbing breakfast at Route 99, just off of Whyte Avenue here in Edmonton. Good Diner food and the prices haven’t changed since ‘05.

Instagram: @retrofile

Facebook: /Retrofile


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