Where are you currently based?
I’m currently based in perth, Western Australia
How did you first start playing music?
You know that song called “stereo hearts” by gym class heroes and adam Levine, well that song had a special place in my heart since I was 8yrs old, whenever it would play I would sing my heart out and I just knew music was apart of me and I was going to one day make my own songs.
What’s been happening recently?
I’ve been working on my ep and also planning out my next project, currently also planning on filming my first music video and filming some interviews..
Your latest single ‘I Know’ from your upcoming debut EP is out now, what influenced the sound and songwriting?
I was influenced to make a song that gives you a similar toxic but empowering sound as the song “gangsta” by kehlani, it was played in the movie suicide squad, that song hit all levels, and I wanted to make my own version
How did you go about writing I Know?
I basically had thought about everything I wanted in my other half, whether I had it or not, and used the lyrics in a way to manifest what I want, I spoke of my needs, i spoke of my wants, I spoke of what I know, I just spoke empowering words into existence.
Where and when did you record/produce/master and who with?
So I recorded this song 2 years ago, with my homeboy farai from urban soul recording studios (perth), I then left it for 1 year and a bit, I almost forgot about it but my friends were obsessed with it and kept insisting for me to release the track, so then I decided to get my homeboy dinje from sauna studios (also in perth) to mix/master the track for me which lead us to now, having the song completed finally.
How did you approach the recording process?
When it comes to recording I’m definitely a perfectionist at the least, when I hear something off, I can’t stop until I sing the right note that was in my head and at the time I was definitely in a toxic state of mind, so it was frustrating but It was really healing to record this track, I definitely had to try and master recording while also being too in my head, but I did it
Who are you listening to at the moment?
Im listening to a variety of artists at the moment, I’m always trying to gain more inspiration, some of the artists are M Huncho, Dutchavelli, Toosie, Kehlani, PND, Melii.. and way more but yeah
What do you like to do away from music?
I enjoy painting and anything art, I like to dance (not saying I’m good at it tho), I definitely love to cook, I feel proud when something tastes so good and I’m the creator of it haha
What’s planned for 2022?
I want to have released my Ep and a couple more singles, I hope to have released my first music video and maybe have a first live performance this year, it’s whatever god has planned for me
Favourite food and place to hangout?
Honestly anything to do with pasta and a beach, I’ll be there!