Where are you currently based?
South Australia Adelaide.
How did NOASIS form?
In a dis-used hotel room back in England really to pick up the disappointed who couldn’t buy tickets to see Oasis.
What’s been happening recently?
Noasis are prepping for the Australian dates kicking off in July. All major cities and great venues. We’ve been working on production and honing that Wall Of Sound.
Your latest single ‘Walk On’ is out now, what influenced the sound and songwriting?
Tom Spiby’s brainchild. He’s also into electronic music and produces vibes like Walk On from his Lo-Fi studio. Darren and Tom got together to put some riffs and things to it and out it popped. The rest of the band were blissfully drinking Stone & Wood somewhere at the time.
How did this single come about?
As above.
Where and when did you record/produce/master and who did you work with?
Lo-Fi vibe so we did most of it in our studio. It then went over to Gabriel Agostino (Best World Music Album award winner) for mixing and finally onto Wayne @Suture for mastering.
How did you approach the recording process?
Casually and ad-hoc. The story goes Tom whipped this tune up one Saturday night whilst sulking about lack of money.
His friends popped around to see him later and he aired it to them. They (having been out probably on the Stone & Wood) dancing all around the place to Walk On and so it made the cut.
You have an upcoming tour, what can we expect from a NOASIS show?
As you’ll guess by the name this show is about bringing that Wall Of Sound Oasis are famous for, back to life. A punter can expect to be bamboozled by the uncanny likeness of the look and the sound of Noasis. “A support band member said a few weeks ago that watching Noasis fucks with his head, and the lines blur between what once was and what is in front of him” I took it as a compliment and passed him a Stone & Wood.
But big show.. Big Sound.. Big Production.. big headache the day after.
Any shows that you’re particularly looking forward to play?
The Triffid Brisbane is an insane venue to play and attend. Also very excited to play the new Hindley Street Music Hall in Adelaide. NEXT LEVEL PRODUCTION!!!
Where are you headed?
To the shower.
Who are you listening to at the moment?
Sam Fender.
What’s planned for the remainder of 2023?
Gigs/write/record/sleep/ repeat.
Favourite food and place to hangout?
Vegan Pho and Miss Hoi An who provides the Pho.