Loaded Billy Interview

by the partae

Where are you currently based?

 We are based in Adelaide SA. 

How did Loaded Billy form?

 I had returned to Adelaide after being based in Sydney for 20 years.  My long time close friend Trevor Moyle had returned to Adelaide a couple of years earlier after living in Canada.  Trevor is a guitarist and we had played in bands together when we were much younger lads.  Trevor and I started jamming and we realised the creative spark was still there so we decided to form a band which eventually became Loaded Billy.  

What’s been happening recently?

 The past few months have been hectic and busy with the release of 2 singles and 2 video’s, then the album. With the release there’s always media and radio to follow up here and overseas plus social media: sometimes it feels like its endless keeping the wheels turning. Loaded Billy are very much a live band so we tend to play gigs at least monthly, plus we are always writing new songs.

Your album ‘Legend’ is out now, what influenced the sound and songwriting/

 That’s an interesting question for us.  Everybody in the band has been playing and performing original music for many years now and are exceptionally competent musicians.  We all grew up with and love 70’s & 80’s hard rock, that era of music stands the test of time and is still relevant and played on radio. 

We never sat down and discussed how we should sound or how we should write, we just put songs together and let them become what they are today on the album. 


However, when one reflects and listens to their own music we do hear influences that creep in. Bands like Pink Floyd, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Budgie – a lot of music from the NWOBHM period (New Wave Of British Heavy Metal) – I think music that you grow up with stays with you. We laugh sometimes and go “oh now I know where that idea comes from”    

How did you go about writing Legend?

 Trevor the guitarist would write a riff and a basic verse chorus pattern and then he and I would jam this out, just guitar and drums to get a groove going and then record it. I or the singer would then write a lyric. With a basic song established we then get the whole band into the studio and complete the song. Everyone at this point can have input into the song. The song is recorded so we can hear how it’s working, how the parts are fitting together. We’ll make changes where needed, but that is basically it.  

What does this album mean to you?

It means a lot to get these songs out there and share them with everyone. It also means we can now put our focus and energy into new songs and recording. 

Where and when did you record/produce/master and who did you work with?

The record was made completely at Loudtoys Studio in Adelaide during most of 2022 and the 2 video’s were the end of 2022 and April 2023.  I, Willi Gutwein produced the entire record although there was plenty of ideas and input from all the band. My son Sam Gutwein who owns Loudtoys Studio engineered the record. My son and I did the initial mixes for the album. It was mastered by the legendary Rick O’Neil at Turtlerock mastering. Everything on the album was performed entirely by the band with some additional midi programming by Sam Gutwein. 

How did you approach the recording process?

First we did pre-production where all the songs were recorded live as a band to hear how the songs were sounding and if we were happy with the arrangements.  This also allows individual members to listen to their parts and make adjustments or changes. Then the recording process begins. 

The tracking of the songs was completely analogue which we wanted as Loudtoys Studio is set up for this. Lots of vintage mics and analogue vintage signal processing hardware going into a 32 channel analogue mixing console. From there the tracks went into Pro Tools. The recording process was old skool, no sampling, no tricks. When you’ve got great experienced players there’s little need for overdubbing or fixing things. James Chamings vocals were double tracked on every song old skool style: kudos to his vocal ability.  

What do you have planned for Legend?

Like everybody, to conquer the world. Seriously, we just want to get the songs out to as many people as possible both here and overseas and get the band playing more live shows.  

Who are you listening to at the moment?

For new music: Wolf & Chain especially their new single ’Phantom’  For old skool: always some Budgie. Then there’s Red Dragon Cartel or Ozzy Osbourne or Disturbed. I also love ABC’s classic radio station. 

Where are you playing next?

The Cumberland Hotel Glanville SA – Sat 4th Nov 

SOTSC MC Clubrooms Lonsdale SA  –  Sat 2nd Dec

What’s planned for the remainder of 2023?

Now that the album is out we will be back in the studio writing and recording a bunch of new songs

Favourite food and place to hang out?

I Love Thai food.  Hangout a lot at Flava Café which is on the Esplanade at Christies Beach SA. It’s got a magnificent view of the beach and lots of very cool cars and motorbikes cruise up and down all day. Great place to hang and chill.



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