Fresco Kyoto

by the partae

Where are you currently based?
We are currently based in Brisbane.

How did you first start playing music?
Cant speak for all members of the group, but i would be confident in saying we were lucky enough to be exposed to music early on in our childhoods. I know I was lucky enough to be given the opportunity to learn an instrument during my schooling years and took it forward from there.

What’s been happening recently?
Since covid we have been focusing our energies on writing new material. We hope that this new track is the first in a series of exciting new releases and content. We were especially excited to welcome our newest member Toby Alexander to the group who was instrumental in the writing and production of ‘You Save Me’.

How did the band form?
In the early days the group consisted of a few of us who knew each other from high school. Then over the years the rest of us came together through the Brisbane music scene and eventually formed our current lineup.

Your latest single ‘You save me’ is out now, what influenced the sound and songwriting?
Our newest member Toby Alexander was instrumental in establishing the initial sound and feel of the song, drawing inspiration from artists such as Rufus Du Sol and Kx5 for his initial demos. Lyrically the song evolved into a kind of fictional telling a failing relationship, and one party’s journey of self realisation and sacrifice in order to set their partner free.
How did You save me come about?

What’s the Brisbane music scene like at the moment?
As the post – covid period continues, we believe this is perhaps as exciting a time as any in the Brisbane music scene. There are countless new artist that have emerged from the online community over the past two years, and as the Brisbane inner city infrastructure continues to develop as it has in recent years we expect Brisbane’s live music to amaze on a national level.

You were the recent winner of ‘Best Live Artist’ and ‘Best Emerging Artist’ that was presented by the Brisbane Council, please tell us about this experience and how it all came about:
We are extremely fortunate that the Brisbane City Council hosts such incredible initiatives such as the Qube Effect awards and City Sounds live music in order to uncover and showcase the city’s emerging artists. For city Sounds were able to play a number of gigs within the city and Southbank areas to large crowds of passers by, and for the Qube Effect awards we were given the opportunity to be mentored by industry professionals, as well as have a music video filmed and produced for us. These experiences were unforgettable and incredibly valuable to us as a band. Our awards were a bonus, but also extremely encouraging showing we were on the right track!

Who are you listening to at the moment?
Again I can’t speak for all the boys, but I always like to have a radiohead song in whatever playlist is on. Lately I have also found myself giving some early Elton John a run…

What’s planned for the remainder of 2022 going into 2023?

At this stage we will look to release several more singles over the coming months, possibly leading to an EP in 2023.

Official Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Youtube | Triple J Unearthed

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