The Buckleys

by the partae

What’s been happening recently?

Molly: We recently released our new single ‘OOPS I Love You’ Which we are so incredibly excited about! We wrote and recorded the song in Nashville earlier this year, now we’re finally getting back out on the road, travelling, playing live shows and doing what we love to do… Playing some damn music!

Please tell us about your upcoming EP:

Molly: This EP is so special to us, it really represents where we are right now as a band. Our style, sound and overall vibe was captured perfectly and each song is so different which we love. We can’t wait for everyone to hear it and hopefully love it as much as we do!

How was your recent trip to Nashville?

Molly: Soooo good! Nashville is our musical home and sits so close to our hearts. Every time that plane touches down it’s the best feeling. We wrote our upcoming EP in Nashville earlier this year and collaborated with some of our favourite songwriters and musicians. It’s always so inspiring and we can’t wait to get back!

When and where are you playing next?
Lachlan: Our next show is up at the Sunshine Coast at an awesome venue called “nightquarter”, it’s on the 18th of June and anyone who reads this better be there !! More info on The Buckleys website.

Who are you listening to at the moment?
Lachlan: At the moment we have all been listening to a lot of “The Cardigans” and “Ray Charles” .

We love listening through albums and experiencing another artists creative journeys that they have passionately put together for others to appreciate.

What do you like to do away from music?
The only thing I really do away from music is surf, we’re lucky enough to live 20 minutes away from the coast where there has recently been great swell for a musician like me to ride.

What was it like working on a track with Camilla Fernandez?

Sarah: It is such an honour to have written ‘Down The Road’ with Camila and for The Buckleys to have collaborated on this track with her. I can honestly say it’s been one of the most incredible experiences, firstly to first discover more and learn about Mexico and to fall in love with it’s classic Mariachi music especially, in my preparation and research before writing with Camila! After writing the song, I was immediately so excited to visit Mexico, and am so incredibly happy and thankful that we did get to shoot the music video with her in Mexico City. It has opened up a whole new musical world to me and we look forward to discovering more and spending more time there.

How did Oops I Love You Come about?

Sarah: I actually started writing Oops accidentally with our youngest brother, Dylan (15yo) who plays drums. We were jamming, just for fun and I stumbled across this bass line. The ideas just grew from there and after playing around with the melodies and ideas, I bought it to Lachlan and Molly. We kept it in our back pocket and when we arrived in Nashville, we revisited it with our producer, Chad Carlson. We all really dug the direction and it was one the first songs we wrote from the upcoming EP.

Your latest single ‘Oops I Love You’ is out now, what influenced the sound and songwriting?

Sarah: This song to me feels really fresh but also has a touch of nostalgia in it. There wasn’t any real intentional ‘influence’ or vibe we went for when we were writing or recording, however after listening to it now, I feel like there’s subliminal and subconscious influences in there from 80s! In the melodies, riffs and hooks you hear throughout it…. is that just me?! Haha. A bit of 90s pop I feel like has crept in there too… some people have said it gives them Sheryl Crow so hey, I’ll take that, as she’s an all time fav!

The Buckleys

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