Tanya George

by the partae
Tanya George

Where are you currently based?

Melbourne, Australia 🙂

How did you first start playing music?

When I was 5 I started singing in a choir! I started playing professionally at 15 by pretending I was 18 and getting into bars.

What’s been happening recently and how has your Covid experience been so far?

I just released my new single “Can’t Do Anything Right” and I have some huge things happening in August you should keep an eye out for. Covid has been a roller coaster for many artists but I’ve persevered staying positive and active, I released a full EP called Normality in 2020, another single “Welcome” in 2021, a film clip and sold out my show at Howler.

Your new single ‘Cant Do Anything Right’ is out now, what influenced the sound and songwriting?

I was frustrated! I felt like I couldn’t do anything right for myself or live up to everyone else expectations even though I was trying my hardest. It sort of just came out in 5 minutes.

How did you go about writing ‘Can’t Do Anything Right’?

I vocal looped it, did some pretty harmonies, a beat and a heavy simple bass line then I just started singing how I felt; “I can’t do anything right, trying my best, help me if I look left or I need my rest”. Then I added some instruments to thicken it up this time.

Where and when did you record/produce/master and who with?

I wrote the song at home in my room, on my looper after receiving an email I was frustrated at in about April and recorded it in May, produced it Michael Cooper and Mastered it Nicholas Di Lorenzo, Panorama Mastering.

How did you approach the recording process?

I always have my own demos, phone recordings and all my ideas stored in my looper, then I smash it all out in the studio and add the cherries on top with extra layering or effects.

You’re playing Chapel Off Chapel on the 31 of July, how do you prepare for shows and what can we expect?

Yes I am! I will be looping, might play some guitar, I will also have some friends joining me on stage.

Who will you be playing with?

I will be solo with my looper and special guests.

What do you like to do away from music?

I’m pretty music obsessed, but I love a red wine over dinner or exercising.

Who are you listening to at the moment?

Fresh Finds Australia and New Zealand playlist on Spotify because Spotify just added “Can’t Do Anything Right” to that Spotify playlist!

What’s planned for the remainder of 2021?

Can’t say too much yet but SO much, keep an eye out as you won’t be missing it. Expect an album in 2022.

Favourite food and place to hangout?

Shujinko Ramen, Russell Street, Melbourne

Instagram @tanyageorgemusic https://www.instagram.com/tanyageorgemusic

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/tanyageorgemusic

Website https://www.tanyageorgemusic.com.au

YouTube https://www.youtube.com/tanyageorgemusic

All Links: https://linktr.ee/tanyageorge

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