Serwah Attafuah / Future Art x The Partae – Interview

by the partae

Where are you currently based?

On Dharug land in Western Sydney!

What’s been happening recently?

Just moved into a new art studio so I’m incredibly excited to start creating something new here. I also joined and started two new bands, I haven’t played music in a group setting in over 4 years so I’m stoked to start releasing new tunes.

Please tell us about the work you will be presenting at the Future Art is Vivid event:

It will be a mixture of my recent digital art, including my minted NFTs. Most of my work is what I describe as surreal cyber dreamscapes and heavenly wastelands, populated by afro-futuristic abstractions of self with strong ancestral and contemporary themes.

How did your partnership with Future Art come about?

I met Dave and Sats from Future Art back in 2021 I believe and we have been working together on various projects ever since! It was so cool to meet them as at the time I didn’t really know anyone in Sydney who participated or even knew of Web3. One of the first collaborations we did together was for last years Future Art x Vivid in which we created an AR experience with Yahoo that people could view all over Sydney.

What can people expect from the event?  It sounds very immersive and engaging, can you describe the experience?

It will be wild if its anything like last years event!! There’s lots of things happening, and the music will compliment the visuals so well. I’m particularly excited to see what Giant Swan is going to do.

Please tell us about your transition from Music artist to visual artist:

It felt very natural, I had basically been playing music full time for years and hadn’t had the chance to work on my visual art. I’m the type of person that likes to put 100% of my time and energy into one thing rather than multitasking so I made time for just art. I still love to play music but at the moment my big focus is on visual.

What it was like working with big brands and garnering the attention of Paris Hilton?

It’spretty surreal, actually. Every job is so different and it helped me learn a lot. The artwork I created for Paris Hilton was one of my favourite projects to date; she was super lovely to work with and couldn’t be happier with the artwork!

How did you come to work with brands?

I started working and collaborating with larger brands and celebs at the start of the pandemic when a lot of design agency’s had to go online. I had been putting my work out on different parts of the web for over a decade at that point so I guess I had built up a decent enough portfolio.

Who are you listening to at the moment musically?

Mostly industrial metal like Godflesh and dance music like Snow Strippers, when I’m working I like to listen to ambient music such as Deepchord and Stephen Hitchell.

What do you have planned for the remainder of 2023?

I’ve got some large scale international projects that I’m working on and I’m very excited to announce when I get the chance (keep and eye out on my socials). I’m also working on a blockchain based game set in Sydney.

Favourite food and place to hangout?

At the moment I’d say La Disfida in Haberfield – best pizza and Italian food in Sydney!!


Date: June 16

Time: 8pm – 3am

Tickets: From $39 and available here

Location: Home the Venue


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