Reinier Zonneveld will premiere 14 new tracks during unique livestream on May 27 Most new tracks were created during his lockdown period

by the partae

On Wednesday May 27 7PM CEST, Dutch techno giant Reinier Zonneveld will do an exceptional livestream from his own sunny roof terrace with a stunning view over Amsterdam. What makes the livestream even more special, is that Reinier will perform a lot of long anticipated brand-new music live.

While being in lockdown, he has used the time to get creative in the studio. Reinier says: As I usually am touring around the world from gig to gig, and now being confined at home for such a long period, it meant there were certain different approaches in my creative process. Usually I used to get my inspiration from performances and travels that I just experienced and now I had to imagine the dancefloor or get my inspiration from different sources. It also gave me the opportunity to work more in depth and experiment more with the hardware and synths I’ve got in my studio, simply because now I had the time to do it, instead of composing new music on the plane.

One of the tracks that will pass by is Reiniers upcoming remix of the acclaimed classic ‘The First Rebirth’ by Jones & Stephenson, which will be out next month on his own label Filth On Acid in cooperation with the iconic Bonzai Records.

Make sure to tune in via Reinier’s Facebook page.


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