What’s your name and role within Like Angels?
Our names are Emmalisa and Sarah and we are Like Angels! We are singer songwriters, content creators, live musicians and so much more! We’re independent artists, which means anything “Like Angels” that you see has either been created by us, organised by us or we’ve personally been involved in collaboration.
What’s been happening recently and how has your Covid experience been so far?
Recently we’ve been working on our original music and the release of our third single “Lose It”! Like most people, our Covid experience has been a mix of highs and lows, but early on we made a conscious decision to make the best of the situation. And for us, that meant releasing music and continuing to make content and be creative!
Your new single ‘Lose it’ is out now, where can we listen?
“Lose It” is available on all streaming services, so you can check it out wherever you listen to music including Spotify, Apple Music, Youtube, Google Play and even TikTok to name a few! We have a music video coming out on our Youtube Channel very soon too, so stay tuned!
How did you go about writing Lose It and what influenced the sound and songwriting?
We actually wrote “Lose It” in 2017, so it’s kind of surreal to finally see it released three years later! We wrote the song together after encountering multiple “Tanika’s”, as per the first line in the song: “Tanika told me about her life”.
So who or what is a “Tanika”? A “Tanika” is someone who continually complains and fixates on all of the negative things happening in their life, with no desire or intention to make a change and improve their situation. They’re all talk and no action. We’ve all encountered a “Tanika” at some point in our lives and so writing “Lose It” was a cathartic experience. It helped us get out the frustration we were feeling from the various “Tanika’s” in our lives at the time and articulate what we would have loved to say to their face!
In terms of the sound, we really wanted to encapsulate that feeling of being about to “Lose It”. Every sound in the track was chosen intentionally to create that climactic moment when you’ve been pushed to your limits and just can’t take it anymore!
How did you approach the recording process?
We showed “Lose It” to our producer Philippe-Marc Anquetil and collaborated with him on the production of the track. We really wanted the production to create an overall feeling of being about to lose it, but we also wanted it to showcase our personality too. To do that, we intentionally layered a lot of cheeky sound samples throughout the song – if you listen carefully you can hear coughing, screaming and even the odd toilet flush, just to name a few.
What programs/instruments did you use?
Originally in 2017 we wrote the song using Garage Band, so our producer Phil took that file, edited the sounds we had already chosen and then added to it using Logic Pro! It was so cool to see the song finally come to life after so long!
We love to be as involved in the production process as much as possible, so we actually made and recorded a lot of the sounds you can hear in the track (including the coughing and squeaking of chairs) ourselves!
What does Lose It mean to you?
For us, “Lose It” is like a final warning to someone. It’s an “I love you, but I don’t think I can do this anymore” kind of song. We wanted “Lose It” to strike the balance between not giving up on someone you love when they’re going through a hard time, but also protecting and looking after yourself and setting boundaries. There’s only so much of someone else’s negativity you can take before it becomes too much, if that person is not willing to start working on themselves and their situation.
We wanted “Lose It” to really encourage listeners to work through any issues they might be facing, instead of making excuses about them because it seems “too hard” or they have no desire to start making some positive changes. Some life circumstances can feel out of our control, but there’s almost always something we can do. Even if it’s a small step or a small change – we can always make a choice to either let things defeat us or to get up, dust off and rise from the ashes.
So the lyrics “choose to lose them or lose me: you better choose carefully” summarises the song and sets a bit of an ultimatum. In other words, it means lose your excuses and begin working on the things defeating you or you are going to lose me. Choose wisely.
Who are you listening to at the moment?
We’ve been listening to so many different artists at the moment! Valley’s new EP “sucks to see you doing better”, “Restoration” by Lecrae and Taylor Swift’s “Folklore: the Long Pond Sessions” to name just a few! You can check out all of our favourite “on repeat” tracks on a playlist we’ve curated on Spotify!
What’s planned for the remainder of 2020 going into 2021?
We’ve got a few gigs coming up which is really exciting after the year we’ve had! And a music video coming out for “Lose It” very soon!! We’re also starting to work on the release campaign for our next single to be released early next year, so stay tuned for that!
Where do you see the music industry headed in the next few years?
From watching the music and entertainment industry adapt to Covid-19 this year, we think the industry is going to continue utilising online platforms a lot more! Fan meet and greets through zoom, live stream concerts through social media platforms and apps like TikTok – it’s opened up a whole new way to connect with fans! We think this will continue even once 2020 is over. In saying that, however, we also think once it’s safe enough, live in-person music events are going to go crazy!! There’s something so unique and special about the atmosphere of a live show that you can’t capture anywhere else! It’s a feeling everyone has missed so much and we can’t wait to share that feeling again!
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ wearelikeangels/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ wearelikeangels/