Where are you currently based?
Melbourne, Australia
What’s been happening recently?
I have been spending most of my time working tirelessly on developing multiple elements and sounds for my music. Having spent all my time in Isolation lately, it has been a great opportunity to sharpen the knife and polish off tracks. Feeling like I’ve found a great formula.
Your new single ‘Run’ is out now, what influenced the sound and songwriting for this track?
The idea for the soundscapes and messaging behind the track came shortly after a psychedelic experience that provided me with a refreshed insight and look at how I could approach my music moving forward. A lot of the lyrics were inspired by more personal events that bleed perfectly into the structure of the song.
How did you go about writing Run?
After a solid session in the studio, I got the majority of the song down in a few hours. A few weeks following this I premeditated a lot of the other elements like lyrics, structure and messaging. Once I got in the studio I was able to knock out the vocals in 1 take.
Where and when did you record/produce?
I produced, wrote and recorded RUN all in the comfort on my own home studio in Melbourne about a month ago.
What programs/instruments did you use?
I use Ableton to produce my beats and a lot of the main synth sounds came from Sylenth. Sylenth is my favourite plugin to use and a lot of the OG kuren sounds came from it.
Run is a part of a new EP that will be released later in 2020, what can we expect from this new EP?
Yes, I’m so excited to release this collection of tracks. You can definitely expect more of those Kuren sounds, as well as a blend of garage and hip hop elements too. I spent the last 2 years working tirelessly on my songwriting/lyricism. Being able to blend those into my music has been a really fun process. I think I’ve put together some great songs for this project.
Who are you listening to at the moment?
Right this moment, I’m listening to ‘move on up by Curtis Mayfield’. but as of recently, I’ve been sinking my ears into punk rock, artists like blind 182, rage against the machine.
What do you like to do away from music?
I like to paint and sketch. its been a good side hobby to break up the music work.
Please tell us about your approach to releasing more music – more often:
I personally think more artists should take this approach. Improving your chances of getting heard and getting better come down to one thing: Output. The more music you make the better you get at making it. the more apparent your sound and formula comes. Now, the more music you put out the more you’re feeding the beast. Your fans want more, more, more. For example, I released my second album back in May and now I’m about to drop another EP. Most listeners are over the songs within a week unless it’s so good that they have it on repeat.
I plan to put out even more music in 2021 because I don’t reply on 1 song doing well. I rely on making 4 songs and planet those as seeds to hopefully grow into something more over time.
What’s planned for 2020?
Other than the current situation of the world not much else is planned in terms of touring/music. For me, it’s all about working further on myself and connecting with my fans.
Favourite food and place to hangout?
My favourite thing to eat would be a spag bowl. can’t go wrong with it. and you can always catch me hanging out in a cafe or something. Love good coffee.