
by the partae

Where are you currently based?
Sydney – AUS

How did you first start playing music?
At home, I was always surrounded by music. My dad plays electric guitar and my mum used to send my sister & I to piano lessons (I hated that!)

Then I picked up the Saxophone and joined the school band – and that was my main instrument all through school (Jazz Band, Stage Band & Concert Bands)

In my final years of high school I really wanted to start singing – so I would steal my dads guitars to accompany my singing and would watch tutorials on Youtube. I even started playing piano again when I got into music production.

What’s been happening recently?
I’ve spent the past 2 years writing a bunch of new music. Put together my band and rehearsed it all so we could play our first headline gig (whilst shooting the music video for “Tomorrow”)
I’m excited to announce I will be performing at my first music festival in December and have been working alongside the team at SunSets Festival to promote the event.

Your single ‘Tomorrow’ is out now, what influenced the sound and songwriting?
I’ve always loved listening to rap music and the rhythmic delivery of the vocals/rhyming…intertwining melodies with fast paced delivery. I initially sat down to see how many words I could rhyme and for it to somewhat make sense to the listener. Once I had written the hook, I had something catchy to come back to – and I would find pockets to deliver the verses in between.

How did you go about writing Tomorrow and what does this song mean to you?
I worked with producer Thomas Porter on the new single. It was our first session working together and I went into the room with a bunch of songs I had been writing. He encouraged me to throw everything out the window and to see what happened naturally when we started working from a blank canvas. A janky guitar progression and some drums was all we needed to get the songwriting flowing. A few hours later the song was finished. We sat with the song for a while and re-tracked vocals + added some horns to give it some character.

Where and when did you record/produce/master and who did you work with?
It was my first time working with high school friend and producer Thomas Porter at his home studio. We used to both play Saxophone in the school band. We wrote/recorded this song 2 years ago and I have been holding onto it ever since – so I thought it was finally time to put it out. It was a bit of a school reunion, the horns were played by Liam Thomas, who also went to the same high school as us.

How did you approach the recording process?
We finalised the instrumental on the first day, and used it as a guide to write lyrics to. Then we recorded the hook and bounced the track with empty verses so I could take it away and play around with it. On the final production day – I had recorded the horns and we came back to record fresh vocals on the whole track + some BV’s and harmonies.

Who are you listening to at the moment?
I love variety. Right now I’m listening to heaps of Blake Rose, Lewis Capaldi, Russ, Mac Miller, Lime Cordiale.
Pretty much anything with a strong male pop vocal.

What’s planned for 2023 and beyond?
– More Live Shows
– Support tour
– Studio Sessions and writing trips (Collaborating with new and old friends)
– Rehearsals with the band and polishing up the live show

Favourite food and place to hangout?
Salty Rooster in Manly do the best chicken burgers and chips – you can thank me later!



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