Histamine – Ahead of Kraken Rum underground music event: Subterranean Summer

by the partae

Where are you currently based?

We’re based in Sydney’s Inner West, although our vocalist AJ relocated to Newcastle last year, and now travels down for shows etc

How did Histamine form?

Myself (Tully) and AJ had just had our previous band call it a day, and we immediately started talking about what we wanted to do next. We roped in our mate Jack to play drums, and he then got Alex on board to play bass.

What’s been happening recently?

We’ve been playing heaps of shows, which has been great after the stop-start nature of the past couple of years, and we’re working on new songs for a release in 2023.

Please tell us about any new music in the works or on the way:

We’re working towards an album coming out late next year

How would you describe your sound?

Fast, abrasive and relentless

What or who influences your sound and songwriting? 

We pull from a pretty wide range of influences across the hardcore and punk, but we definitely lean towards the faster, rawer sounds that are at the roots of the genre.

You’re playing at Subterranean Summer; an underground music event in Sydney on the 1st of December with SPEED and Posseshot to name a few of the epic bands playing, who are you looking forward to seeing play?

Always stoked to see and play with our homies in Speed, but I’m personally really looking forward to catching Posseshot, and just being part of such a diverse lineup.

How do you prepare for live shows?

We tend to just have a couple of beers at the venue and try to take it easy.

What can we expect from your live show at Subterranean Summer?

An unapologetically relentless 20 minutes of riffs and noise

Who are you listening to at the moment?

MSPAINT and Dazy are both in high rotation at the moment

What’s planned for the remainder of 2022 going into 2023?

We’ve got one more show on the cards for 2022 after Subterranean Summer. In the new year we’re going to pull back a bit on local shows to focus on writing, but we want to get to Melbourne, Brisbane and hopefully Perth for some shows in the first few months of the year.


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