Ava Kaydo

by the partae
What's your name and role within the band? My names Ben and I’m the bass player for Ava Kaydo. I also played drums for the recording of our debut single ‘Lucid’.   Where are you currently based and what is the music scene like there? We are currently based in Yeppoon/Rockhampton of Central Queensland. The music scene in this area is fairly lacking, with only a few original bands out and about. Being a rural area, cover bands are much more prominent.   What's been happening recently? Well we’ve just released our first ever single which feels so relieving. We’ve been holding onto this one for a few years now, and after recording it we could finally show everyone what we’ve been working on.    Your first single 'Lucid' has just been released, what influenced the sound and songwriting? The sound itself was just naturally inspired by our influences I suppose. At the time we had Ocean Alley’s album ‘Chiaroscuro’ on heavy rotation, and we were also taking notes from DMA’s newest material. But the song was pure improv and wasn’t really methodically written.  How did you go about writing Lucid? The process for writing ‘Lucid’ was very natural and spontaneous. It was one of those songs that came out of thin air. Sparked by an overwhelming moment of creativity, Jeremy our guitarist just started playing the main riff of the song and we just all started joining in. Within a matter of minutes the meat of the song was there and we we’re stoked with it. Maddy, our singer, layered her spacey vocals over the top and that was that.  The lyrics we’re written after Maddy had a bad sleep paralysis experience. Using the concept of ‘Lucid’ dreaming, Maddy used the words to turn the song into a positive retelling of what happened. A sort of therapy I suppose.  Where and when did you record/produce and who with? We recorded the track on October of 2019 in Brisbane. We worked with Paradox Audio Productions; a studio based out of our friend’s house. Blake and Rob really worked well with us and understood our vision. It really opened our eyes to how fun the recording process can be.    What programs/instruments did you use? We used guitar, bass, drums and vocals. And for programs we used the ol’ trusty pro tools.      Being from a rural area 'Yeppoon' what challenges do you face as a band? It’s hard to make connections with the industry, and we often need to travel to record and play gigs. It’s why we believe there needs to be more attention given to original live music in rural communities in towns such as Yeppoon. The live music community in our area has definitely improved over the last couple of years. However, the biggest challenge is definitely the isolation from the music industry.  What do you like to do away from music? If we aren’t playing music, we are usually listening to it over a couple of margaritas.    Who are you listening to at the moment? We are massive DMA’s fans and they are always playing when we are hanging out together. I myself have been obsessed with Pond’s ‘Hobo Rocket’ album recently. I’m also loving local Brisbane band Sunbather’s debut song ‘Softly Spoken’. It’s been on repeat for the last few days.    What's planned for 2020? 2020 is the year we get our shit together. With our first single out, we’re looking towards an EP in the near future. So, keep an eye out for new music.   Favourite food and place to hangout? We have a cheeky obsession with KFC. When we have a break from band practise it is usually our ritual to get ‘The Colonel’ for lunch. Favourite place to hang out is the beach. 

What’s your name and role within the band?

My names Ben and I’m the bass player for Ava Kaydo. I also played drums for the recording of our debut single ‘Lucid’.

Where are you currently based and what is the music scene like there?

We are currently based in Yeppoon/Rockhampton of Central Queensland. The music scene in this area is fairly lacking, with only a few original bands out and about. Being a rural area, cover bands are much more prominent.

What’s been happening recently?

Well we’ve just released our first ever single which feels so relieving. We’ve been holding onto this one for a few years now, and after recording it we could finally show everyone what we’ve been working on. 

Your first single ‘Lucid’ has just been released, what influenced the sound and songwriting?

The sound itself was just naturally inspired by our influences I suppose. At the time we had Ocean Alley’s album ‘Chiaroscuro’ on heavy rotation, and we were also taking notes from DMA’s newest material. But the song was pure improv and wasn’t really methodically written. 

How did you go about writing Lucid?

The process for writing ‘Lucid’ was very natural and spontaneous. It was one of those songs that came out of thin air. Sparked by an overwhelming moment of creativity, Jeremy our guitarist just started playing the main riff of the song and we just all started joining in. Within a matter of minutes the meat of the song was there and we we’re stoked with it. Maddy, our singer, layered her spacey vocals over the top and that was that. 

The lyrics we’re written after Maddy had a bad sleep paralysis experience. Using the concept of ‘Lucid’ dreaming, Maddy used the words to turn the song into a positive retelling of what happened. A sort of therapy I suppose. 

Where and when did you record/produce and who with?

We recorded the track on October of 2019 in Brisbane. We worked with Paradox Audio Productions; a studio based out of our friend’s house. Blake and Rob really worked well with us and understood our vision. It really opened our eyes to how fun the recording process can be. 

What programs/instruments did you use?

We used guitar, bass, drums and vocals. And for programs we used the ol’ trusty pro tools. 

Being from a rural area ‘Yeppoon’ what challenges do you face as a band?

It’s hard to make connections with the industry, and we often need to travel to record and play gigs. It’s why we believe there needs to be more attention given to original live music in rural communities in towns such as Yeppoon. The live music community in our area has definitely improved over the last couple of years. However, the biggest challenge is definitely the isolation from the music industry. 

What do you like to do away from music?

If we aren’t playing music, we are usually listening to it over a couple of margaritas. 

Who are you listening to at the moment?

We are massive DMA’s fans and they are always playing when we are hanging out together. I myself have been obsessed with Pond’s ‘Hobo Rocket’ album recently. I’m also loving local Brisbane band Sunbather’s debut song ‘Softly Spoken’. It’s been on repeat for the last few days. 

What’s planned for 2020?

2020 is the year we get our shit together. With our first single out, we’re looking towards an EP in the near future. So, keep an eye out for new music.

Favourite food and place to hangout?

We have a cheeky obsession with KFC. When we have a break from band practise it is usually our ritual to get ‘The Colonel’ for lunch. Favourite place to hang out is the beach. 



Facebook | @avakaydoband

Instagram | @avakaydoband

Twitter | @avakaydoband

Soundcloud | @avakaydoband

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